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中学の基礎英文 [8]分詞の例文



動詞の原形 + ing           「~している」

動詞の原形 + -(e)d、または不規則変化 「~された」

(1)That sleeping baby is very cute.

(2)Spoken language is different from written language.

(3)Look at that sleeping baby.

(4)I bought a used car.


(5)I don't know that dancing man.

(6)The man dancing on the stage is my big brother.

(7)Look at those flying birds.

(8)Look at the girl cooking in the kitchen.

(9)Look at the people listening to music.


(10)Child learn spoken language first.

(11)What is the language spoken in Tai?

a letter written in English

a drama produced in America

the castle built many years ago

知覚動詞 + 目的語 + 現在分詞
see + 目的語 + -ing  「(目的語)が~しているところを見る」

(12)We saw a lot of birds flying far away into the sky.

(13)I heard my name called from across the square.

(14)Do you know a boy named Shin.


(15)The building standing on the hill is our school.

(16)Nara is a city visited by many people from abroad.

(17)This used car has been working fine since I bought it.

(18)What is the language spoken in German.

(19)That smiling girl is my sister.

(20)Who is the man talking with Ms.Yuki over there?

(21)She bought a cool car made in Japan.

(22)This is the book read by children all over the world.

(23)I don't know that woman wearing a red dress.


中学の基礎英文 [7]動名詞の例文

動詞に ~ing をつけた形で、「~すること」という意味

(1)Studying a foreign language is fun.

■to 不定詞と動名詞は兄弟分

(2)I love to watch American movies.  <不定詞>

I love watching American movies.   <動名詞>

(仲がいまひとつのパターン)    <不定詞>
・forget to ~  「(これから)~することを忘れる」
・forget ~ing  「(過去に)~したことを忘れる」

(3)Don't forget to meet Tom.

I will never forget meeting Tom. <動名詞>


(4)I like swimming in the pool.

(5)Studying about foreign countory is interesting.

(6)Playing soccer after school is fun.

(7)My hobby is collecting comic books.

(8)I am fond of listening to music.

(9)We enjoyed playing baseball.        <←動詞の目的語>

(10)Having a birthday party is a lot of fun.  <←主語>

(11)Getting up early is difficult for you.   <←主語>

(12)Her job is helping poor people.      <←補語(be動詞のあとで)>

(13)Tom is good at doing judo.         <←前置詞の目的語>

(14)Burush your teeth before going to bed.   <←前置詞の目的語>


(15)To swim in the sea is fun. <不定詞>

Swimming in the sea is fun.   <動名詞>

(16)He is good at swimming in the sea.

enjoy ~ing   「~を楽しむ」
finish ~ing  「~を終える」
stop ~ing   「~をやめる」
mind ~ing   「~を気にする」

(17)Did you finish reading the book?

(18)Stop crying.

(19)Would you mind opening the door?
-No, not at all.

want to do  「~したい」
hope to do  「~を望む」
decide to do 「~を決める」
agree to do  「~することに同意[賛成]する」
plan to do  「~するつもりである」
mean to do  「(本気で)~するつもりである」
wish to do  「~したいと思う」

(20)I want to be a teacher in the future.

(21)I decided to study abroad three years ago.


(22)Tom likes chatting with his friends.
Tom likes to chat with his friends.

(23)When did it begin snowing last night?
When did it begin to snow last night?



be fond of ~ing    「~するのが好きである」
How[What] about ~ing 「~するのはどうですか」
Thank you for ~ing  「~してくれてありがとう」
look forward to ~ing 「~するのを楽しみに待つ」
without ~ing     「~しないで」
go ~ing        「~しに行く」
be worth ~ing     「~する価値がある」
feel like ~ing    「~したい気がする」
be busy ~ing     「~するのに忙しい」
be used to ~ing    「~するのに慣れている」

・be fond of ~ing    「~するのが好きである」
(24)She is fond of listening to the Beatles.

= She likes listening[to listen] to the Beatles.

・How[What] about ~ing 「~するのはどうですか」
(25)How about playing baseball afer school?

= Let's play baseball after school?
= Shall we play baseball after school?

・Thank you for ~ing  「~してくれてありがとう」
(26)Thank you for coming to her birthday party.

・look forward to ~ing 「~するのを楽しみに待つ」
(27)I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

・without ~ing     「~しないで」
(28)Tom left the party without saying goodbye.

・go ~ing        「~しに行く」
(29)I want to go swimming this afternoon.

・go shopping  (買い物に行く)
・go fishing in the river  (川に釣りに行く)
・go skating  (スケートをしに行く)

be worth ~ing     「~する価値がある」
(30)That movie is worth watching.

feel like ~ing    「~したい気がする」
(31)I feel like going out today.

be busy ~ing     「~するのに忙しい」
(32)I am busy doing my homework now.

be used to ~ing    「~するのに慣れている」
(33)My mother is used to speaking in front of many people.

・remember ~ing  「(以前に)~したことを覚えている」
・remember to do  「(これから)~することを覚えている」

(34)I remember seeing her somewhere in Tokyo.

(35)Remember to call me this evening.

・forget ~ing   「~したことを忘れる」
・forget to do   「~する事を忘れる」
・try ~ing     「試しに~してみる」
・try to do     「~しようと努力する」

(36)I tried speaking to her in English.
(私は試しに彼女に英語で話しかけてみた)  ←[実際に話しかけてみた]

(37)I tried to speak to her in English.
(私は彼女に英語で話しかけようと努力した) ←[実際に話しかけたかどうかは不明]

中学の基礎英文 [7]不定詞の例文

「to+動詞の原形」 をto不定詞、または不定詞という。

1、名詞的用法   「~すること」
2、副詞的用法   「~するために」、「~して」
3、形容詞的用法  「~するための」

(1)I hope to see you soon.
=I hope that I will see you soon.

(2)Do you promise to come here tomorrow?
=Do you promise that you will come here tomorrow?

(3)I like to play video game.

(4)Tom likes to play cards.

(5)My mother liked to play cards.

(6)I like to read comic books.
(私は漫画を読むことが好きだ)  ←名詞的用法「~すること」

(7)Tom went to the station to buy tickets.
(トムは切符を買うために駅へ行った)  ←副詞的用法「~するために」

(8)I have no money to eat out.
(私は外食するためのお金がない)  ←形容詞的用法「~するための・・・」

(9)Tom wants to visit Hawaii next year.

(10)To study English is interesting to me.

(11)My dream is to be an Entrepreneur.

(12)She wants to visit Hawaii someday.

(13)I like to ride a car.

(14)To keep a promise is important.

(15)My work is to drive a car.

副詞的用法 「~するために(目的)」、「~して(原因)」
(16)I saved money to buy a new car.

(17)I am happy to hear the news.

(18)I went to the airport to see my friend off.

(19)I was surprised to see such a big mountain.

(20)I'm glad to meet you.

(21)We got up early this morning in order to catch the first train.

形容詞的用法 「~するための」
(22)I have a lot of game to play.

(23)Would you like something cold to drink?

(24)He was the first man to land on the island.

(25)I have some pictures to show you.

(26)Please give me something to eat.

「疑問詞 + to do」

・「how + to do」  ~のしかた
・「what + to do」  何を~すべきか
・「where + to do」  どこで~すべきか
・「when + to do」  いつ~すべきか
・「which + to do」  どちらを~すべきか

(27)Elza learned how to cook Japanese food.

(28)I don't know what to do at that time.

(29)I know how to use this machine.

(30)He didn't know what to order there.


「動詞 + 人(目的語) + to do」

・「tell + 人 + to do」  (人)に~するように言う
・「ask + 人 + to do」  (人)に~するように頼む
・「want + 人 + to do」  (人)に~してもらいたい
・「would like + 人 + to do」  (人)に~してもらいたいのですが(丁寧な依頼)

(31)Tom's mother told him to be quiet.

(32)I asked John to help me with my work.

(33)I want you to do your best.

(34)I told him to be honest.

(35)I asked Yumi to wash the dishes.

(36)My parents want me to be a successful person.

(37)I would like you to tell me the way.


「It is + 形容詞 (+ for 人) + to do」

(38)It is important to think about world peace.

(39)It was difficult for me to sing well.

(40)It is necessary for her to learn about computers.

forのかわりに、「of + (代)名詞」で意味上の主語を表す。

(41)It is kind of you to say so.


「too ~ to do」と「~ enough to do」

・「too ~ to do」  ・・・するには~すぎる、あまりに~なので・・・出来ない
(42)I was too tired to study last night.
=I was so tired that I couldn't study last night.

(43)He speaks too fast for me to understand.
=He speaks so fast that I can't understand her.

・「~ enough to do」  「・・・できるほど十分~だ」、「十分~なので・・・できる」
(44)Tom was kind enough to take me home.

(45)Mr.Jim was rich enough to buy a large house.



・「needless to say」  言うまでもなく
・「To tell the truth」  実を言うと
・「so to speak」  いわば
・「strange to say」  奇妙なことに

(46)Needless to say, a singer should have a beautiful voice.

(47)To tell the truth, I am not good at typing.

(48)He is so to speak, a walking dictionary.

(49)Strange to say, she is not afraid of miss.


「知覚動詞 + 目的語 + 原形不定詞」

・「see + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを見る
・「hear + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを聞く
・「feel + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを感じる
・「watch + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを見つめる
・「look at + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを見る
・「listen to + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  ~が・・・するのを見つめる

(50)I saw three men break into Mr.Jim's house.

(51)I heard her call my name from far away.

(52)He felt something move on his back.


「使役動詞 + 目的語 + 原型不定詞」

・「make + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  「・・・に(無理やり)~させる」  [強制]
・「have + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  「・・・に~してもらう」  [弱い強制]
・「let + 目的語 + do(原形不定詞)」  「・・・を(自由に)~させる、してもらう」  [容認]

(53)My mother made me go to swimming school.

(54)I have Tom correct my English.

(55)My father will not let me go out alone at night.

(56)Let me introduce myself.

中学の基礎英文 [6]現在完了形の例文

(1)Jim has arrived at the station.

Jim arrived at the station.

(2)I've just finished my work.

(3)Have you eaten lunch yet?

(4)Have they lived in Yokohama for a long time?
-Yes, they have.
-No, they haven't.

(5)Have you met her?
-Yes, I have.
-No, I haven't.

(6)How long have you lived there?
-(I have lived here) for five years.

(7)Who has come back?

(8)I have not[haven't] gotten an e-mail from Tom.

(9)I haven't seen that movie.

I have never seen that movie.
I never have seen that movie.

(10)She has been busy all month.

(11)I have lived in Chiba since I was born.

(12)John has been absent from school since last Monday.

(13)She has been dead for three years.
(彼女が死んで3年がたつ) ←(彼女は3年間死んだ状態である)

(14)How long have you known Kumi?
-I have known her for ten years.
(彼女とは10年来の知り合いです) ←(彼女の事は10年前から知っています)

(15)I haven't seen her since last month.

(16)I have met him twice.

(17)I've lived in New York before.

(18)I've been to New York before.

(19)Have you ever seen this error?
-No, I haven't.

(20)How many times[How often] have you been to Kyoto?
-I've been there twice.

(21)I haven't read that book before.

(22)We have never studied a foreign language.

(23)I have talked with Mr.Nakamura before.

I talked with Mr.Nakamura three days ago.

(24)Have you ever visited London?

Did you ever visit London?

(25)You've worked more than seven hours.
(あなたは7時間以上も働いた)    ←<現在完了形>

You've been working more than seven hours.

(26)Tom has been a teacher sinc last year.
(トムは去年まで先生でした)      ←<現在完了形>

Tom had been a teacher for 5 years until last year.

中学の基礎英文 [5]進行形の例文

(1)He is drinking coffee.

He drinks coffee.

(2)Tom was watching TV when I visited him.

(3)John was studying in the library.

(4)Yuka is taking a math test at school.

(5)A dog is sleeping under the table.

(6)My mother is washing the dishes in the kitchen.

(7)Tom is playing video games.

(8)Jim is wearing a colorful jacket.

Jim wears a colorful jacket.

(9)They were playing soccer in the park.

(10)I was listening to music when he visited me.

(11)I was reading a book then.

(12)I was driving to the station when you called me.

(13)Is he writing the report?
-Yes, he is.
-No, he isn't.

(14)What are you doing here?
-I'm waiting for Nao.

(15)Who is singing on the stage?
-Miss Yuki is.

(16)She isn't traveling in Tai.

(17)Tom was not[wasn't] using the computer then.


(18)I remember that day.

(19)I have two cars.





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